The Experience
The breathtaking view of the Grenadines from almost anywhere in the Villa or Pool Deck is just the start, beckoning you to sit and stare for a while. Early risers will enjoy the intricate songs of our neighborhood mockingbirds, and see hand-built fishing skiffs making their way out to troll or seine jacks and sardines, and later in the day you’ll notice yachts arriving and departing beautiful Sandy Island, across the bay. Majestic frigate birds frequently wheel in the updraft just over the veranda, and in the evening dusky Ramier pigeons race across your field of view on their way home to Mabouya.
- Bell on The top of the Villa
- The Owners on Mopion
During the day, tan on a deck chair by the infinity pool, or stroll Paradise beach below the villa, stopping for a cold beer or a bite and a chat at one of the local beach bars, or just lie on the sand under a beach umbrella, read a good book, and take an occasional dip in the cool, clear waters of L’ Esterre Bay.
A drive around the island can take you to other beautiful beaches, panoramic views of Hillsborough or Tyrell bay, or of Petit Martinique and the barrier reef protecting Windward. In the evening, return to the villa for a sundowner, and watch the sunset from the veranda over a glass of wine. Perhaps later, visit one of the local restaurant for a casual dining experience, before returning, tired and replete, to your comfortable villa.